Future Focus Mediation

Brighter Futures Ahead, Focus on Positive Futures.

How Can Mediation Help You?

Marg will listen to your story and help you identify your concerns, needs and interests and allow you to consider and compare the different options with regards to property division, child and spousal support.

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The Mediator is not biased. The Mediator facilitates the discussion between the clients. If lawyers are involved, each lawyer will take the position and defend the views of his/her client. As a result, the discussions become more adversarial.

Mediation is about seeking mutually acceptable solutions in a peaceful, non adversarial setting. The role of the Mediator is to focus on the future, to seek a better understanding of the underlying feelings and how these feelings can be addressed for better futures. Agreements achieved in Mediation will have encompassed the needs of the clients and will more acceptable to them resulting in increased compliance.

Individuals take positions based on their needs and interests. Once those interests are identified, the clients can consider ways to address those needs in the future with less conflict.

Aggressive discussions in adversarial processes do not allow clients to share or take the time to consider what needs have not been met. Clients may agree to options simply to end the conflict. Options and or agreements that do not address what clients really want or need will not be as successful or long standing. Conflict may continue since those needs have not been adequately addressed.

Mediation allows the parties to work through all of the issues that need to be addressed. This may take some time. Mediation hourly fees are approximately $100 - $200 per hour. Lawyer fees are approximately $400 - $500 per hour. Mediation will allow the time for the details to be addressed. The clients can consider various options and determine what is best for them. The clients are the decision makers. The clients hold the power to create options. The clients upon agreement will identify the specifics in an Agreement. The Mediator will produce the Agreement including the decisions of the clients.

The clients will take this Agreement to a lawyer of their choice. The lawyer will review and assess if the Agreement will meet legal requirements. Clients may seek input and recommendations at any time during the Mediation process. The time spent with a lawyer will be substantially less than with a Mediator. This will result in substantial cost savings.

In summary Mediation is an advantage to address concerns and interests in a non adversarial, more collegial and less costly process. Agreements created from Mediation, produce more successful long term adherence and sense of commitment to their Agreement, as it was created entirely based on the wishes of the clients.

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Future Focus Mediation

Regina, SK Canada 1-306-570-5743