Future Focus Mediation

Brighter Futures Ahead, Focus on Positive Futures.

How Can Mediation Help You?

Marg will listen to your story and help you identify your concerns, needs and interests and allow you to consider and compare the different options with regards to property division, child and spousal support.

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Mediation is a process that will allow you to resolve your issues faster. Mediation involves discussions with you and the other individual. These meetings will be held at your convenience. You have the option to resolve your issues at your own pace.

Court processes involve delays. Legal proceedings can take months to schedule. With Mediation you and the Mediator determine the scheduling of the Mediation meetings. You can work toward resolution at your own pace.

Through Mediation you can reach decisions that are agreeable to you both. These agreements can be written up in a formal Agreement by the Mediator. You then can take this Agreement for your lawyer to review to ensure it meets all legal requirements. Your settlement can then be submitted to a Judge for approval.

Mediation is a process that focuses on the future. The Mediator will provide a peaceful respectful setting to address the needs of both of you for better futures. The past and previous grievances are not the focus. In this way you can reach a faster solution by working in a non adversarial setting to determine what will work best for you going forward.

A faster process to resolve issues will save you money. Most Mediators’ hourly rates are a fraction of a lawyer’s hourly rate. Through Mediation, you can collect the necessary information, discuss the issues and through these discussions reach mutual understanding of the matters. The review of the pieces of information and conversations can occur at a lower cost and a faster pace. You determine the pace of the Mediation process based on your ability to access and provide the documents.

For Further Information contact us. 

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Future Focus Mediation

Regina, SK Canada 1-306-570-5743