Future Focus Mediation

Brighter Futures Ahead, Focus on Positive Futures.

How Can Mediation Help You?

Marg will listen to your story and help you identify your concerns, needs and interests and allow you to consider and compare the different options with regards to property division, child and spousal support.

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Mediation focuses on futures. The Mediation Process involves meetings to discuss the issues in dispute. The clients meet with the Mediator to sort out the details of their conflict.

The Mediation Process does not dwell on the past. The Mediation Process does not focus on what caused the conflict. Mediation focuses on identifying the needs and interests of the clients and how these can be used to reach agreements for better futures.

The Mediation Process is a well researched and widely recognized as a successful manner to resolve conflict. The Mediator will guide the discussions and open conversations between the clients. In this way, they can each gain an understanding of previous actions. This mutual understanding will allow the clients to address those views in agreements. These agreements will reflect the needs and interests of the clients. As a result, the clients will more readily adhere to the agreements in the future.

The Mediator is a neutral. The Mediator is not biased. The Mediator guides the clients to assess, analyze and reach agreement on what will work best for their unique needs. The Mediator will not allow time to be spent on any assignments of blame or causes of conflict. The job of the Mediator is to utilize the Mediation Process to allow the clients to reach agreements that will best meet their future needs.

Please contact us for more information.

Divorce mediation is about you and your spouse resolving the issues on divorce without the court battles of the traditional system. Marg is  a professional mediator trained in mediation processes to address divorce and separation. Her training provides the expertise that applies to your separation/divorce case.

Mediation is about making decisions about what is in the best interest of your children and your assets in a more amicable and common-sense way. Divorce mediation, involves you and your spouse meeting with Marg, whose job is to facilitate your discussions and help reach positive outcomes.

Marg will listen to your story and help you identify your concerns, needs and interests and allow you to consider and compare the different options with regards to property division, child and spousal support.

In divorce, your children are the most important entity. Discussions will focus on the best interests of the children.

The best outcomes are accomplished when each spouse can set aside previous opinions, positions and see the bigger picture and achieve a resolution that protects possessions, assets and children while preserving costs and relationships. Marg will ensure that you have a full understanding of the mediation and divorce process and ensure that you have a voice in these matters in a sustainable manner.

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Future Focus Mediation

Regina, SK Canada 1-306-570-5743